It’s a girl!

There’s a big difference between having a baby in Doha and having a baby at home surrounded by extended family, apart from being a fairly daunting task anyway, there’s a stark realisation that other than your husband you really have no-other interested party around to offer support. Of course friends are more than happy to…

It’s a Boy!

5 days and about 10 years overdue, at two o’clock on a Monday morning my baby started to make a move to arrive into the world.  Excitedly, I packed the final essentials, eye cream, magazines, iPod, completely looking forward to my mini-break in Doha Clinic.  I had read in my pregnancy manuals how these days…

Birth Plan

It was during one of the final visits to my pregnancy guru (gynaecologist) that she mentioned I should write a birth plan. Unaware that this facility was available, up to now I was under the impression that one was unable to control labour and delivery, let alone write a plan, but apparently things had moved…