Absurdity is the new normality

When you live abroad for a while, the newness wears off the new surroundings and regardless of how strange it seemed at first, it will feel familiar and ‘normal’ in time. When I first arrived in Qatar I was awed by just about everything, over time, the awe has waned and is replaced by acceptance.…

My Ramadan 2016

Last year, I was here in Doha for the first few days of Ramadan, however I was lucky to be pregnant, thus exempt, from fasting. This year however, will be the real test, as Ramadan starts Sunday, it shifts forward 11 days earlier each year, to annoy non-Muslim expats! We all know, what Ramadan means…


20th July marked the start of Ramadan for 2012 and also my exit from Abu Dhabi, back to the lush ole Ireland for my summer respite. Ramadan, the period of 30 days when the Muslim community refrains from food, drink and sexual relations from dawn until dusk, makes for a very restrictive life for expats…