Little Einstein

As the school year comes to a close and most expat women take the children to greener pastures, the grapple for nursery places is at a high in Abu Dhabi before the wild birds flee.     Unlike Ireland where children start nursery at the age of “whenever the government provide the free year” and big school…

High Hopes

Education for your children is possibly one of the most significant issues to consider when living as an expat in the Middle East.   Quite often it is the point that forms the essential part of the argument on whether people stay or go.  The focus on education may be particularly heightened for expats in the…

School Fees

On reflection, the single most thing I took for granted when living in Ireland was free primary and secondary education.   Yes, zilch, nada, nothing.  As an English speaking Irish person living in the Middle East with two school going children I can certify that paying for education puts a whole different tint on the things…

Ignorance is Bliss

Emigrating, or thinking about it?   Well just before you pack up your every possession and hand the house keys back to AIB, be aware of the one great freebie available in Ireland.  Education.  Please note that the definition I’m using for freebie is something that doesn’t cost more than 1% of your annual salary but…